GMO Controversy

The obfuscaters have won again.
There is an entire continent (Africa) where the scare tactics should stop in order to address their massive food shortages.  In fact, someone from the same newspaper seemed to agree 1 year ago:
The whole labeling controversy seems to be a proxy for people about the merits of GMOs as a whole. Resistance to labeling prompts the public to assume “they must be hiding something”, no matter what the science might say.  Unfortunately, we can’t trust the intelligence of the populace as a whole and many of the (evil?) companies behind GMOs correctly assume that a label will cause sales to plummet.
Initiatives that serve a corporate interest are not universally bad for the public’s interest, but we live in a black-and-white, zero-sum game world where everyone assumes profits for Big Agra means losses for us.  There are probably plenty of salient examples to point to that support this position, but I don’t think GMOs are one of them.
Here’s a good long form article from Slate on how the papaya industry in Hawaii was saved by GMOs:

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